Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Wee Blue 4 x 4

Since we've received our certificates in 'Advanced Loafing', it's time for some island exploring.  Savusavu is on the island of Vanua Levu which I believe translates roughly as 'big island'.  It could also mean 'island with very few roads, many of them unpaved, even fewer road signs, and the occasional errant cow or pig or goat/sheep sharing the pavement with vehicles'.

Nonetheless, Debbie and Paul have rented a wee car (car hire comes in at about $80 Fijian - $40 USD - a day and this is for a modest vehicle indeed.  See photo; yes, 4-wheel drive is a must.)

Our first excursion is towards Lambasa which is on the north side of the island.  A super quick geography lesson:  Vanua Levu is shaped roughly like a kidney bean with the curved part of the bean being the harbor area near Savusavu.  Across the island (a spine-jarring 2+ hour ride) sort of north (?) is Lambasa, a town of nearly 40,000!  Who knew??  Roughly ten times the size of Savusavu, Lambasa is the commercial engine of Vanua Levu; Savusavu is its tiny, baby brother.  Outside Lambsasa they grow rice (and probably lots of other things) and see very few, if any, tourists.

About halfway there, we decide to bag this excursion.  The pathetic moans from the back seat where Debbie and Tim were gamely trying to keep from retching (I would have hurled after the first few hairpin turns, hence got to sit in the front seat with Paul) were enough to convince us.  We stopped to photograph 'our' bulavista hilltop from across the harbor.

This led to a heated discussion about which direction we were facing - or not facing -  'where the f*#* is west?'

Paul is relying on his 'map' to bail him out.  Debbie has been relying on the path of the sun . . .

Awww, who gives a rip!!

A bit up the road, we come to a nature walk (closed for today) and can't resist this sign - huh?  What 'scenic lookout'??

It must be time to head home and recover from this oh so strenuous excursion.

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